Our Students
We were named in the Top Ten Most Prominent Analytics and Data Science Institutes!
Analytics Insight magazine named the University of Tennessee, Knoxville’s Haslam College of Business as one of its “10 Most Prominent Analytics and Data Science Institutes” of 2019 in its July issue. Analytics Insight specifically credited Haslam’s Master of Science in Business Analytics program as immersing students in a one-of-a-kind, real-world capstone course experience that will enable the next generation of data scientists to lead forward-thinking organizations’ business analytics operations.
Haslam MSBA Ranked in Top 10 Most Prominent Data Science and Analytics Institutes
Our Students
- #22 business analytics program by TFE Times
- Top 10 MBA program for analytics by Find-MBA
- Nation’s 1st analytics program in a business school
Our students are educated in the best practices of the field and receive training in its latest technologies. They have access to a $5 million, IBM-enabled advanced analytics lab and work with companies on real problems before they graduate.
Forum members have the opportunity to work directly with our top-ranked students on their own company data and inform the business analytics curriculum.
Recruiting Students
Whether you are looking for interns or full-time employees, our students and graduates offer a unique skill set. They have the technical proficiency to solve challenging data problems and the business strategy acumen to communicate data solutions throughout all areas of your organization.
Our graduates have dealt with real-world problems and have strong analytical skills in:
- Data Management
- Data Mining
- Predictive Modeling
- Forecasting
- Optimization
Set up a day of interviews: Do you want to hire one of our MSBA students, but do not have the resources or time to dedicate to attending the job fair? If so, we can send you a resume book and set up a day of interviews on campus.
Participate in our Exclusive Job Fair: The Haslam College of Business holds it’s very own job fair exclusively for our master’s students, and this is a job fair you do not want to miss!
Hiring our Students: If you are interested in hiring an MSBA or undergraduate student, start by contacting Julie Ferrara Julie Ferrara.
Melton Scholars
The Melton Scholars are an elite group of undergraduate students pursuing research in business analytics. They receive an academic scholarship and aim to produce a publishable academic research paper by the time they graduate. They present their research findings each year at the forum, where members have an opportunity to speak to them about their work.
For more information visit the Melton Scholars webpage or contact Adam Petrie.