The following is a sampling of recent research from marketing faculty members who work with doctoral students. To access a full list of publications via their curriculum vitaes, follow the links to their faculty profiles.
Bharadwaj, Neeraj and Charles H. Noble (forthcoming), “Innovation in Data Rich Environments,” Journal of Product Innovation Management.
Bharadwaj, Neeraj and Yuexiao Dong (2014), Toward Further Understanding the Market-Sensing Capability-Value Creation Relationship,” Journal of Product Innovation Management, 31(4), 799-813.
Rao, Ramesh K.S. And Neeraj Bharadwaj (2008), Marketing Initatives, Expected Cash Flows, and Shareholders’ Wealth,” Journal of Marketing, 72(1), 16-26.
Cadotte, Ernest R. (2014) “The Use of Simulations in Entrepreneurship Education: Opportunities, Challenges and Outcomes,” Annals of Entrepreneurship Education & Pedagogy, USASBE.
Cadotte, Ernest R. and Christelle MacGuire (2013) “A Pedagogy to Enhance the Value of Simulations in the Classroom.” Journal for Advancement of Marketing Education. (Fall) 33-52.
Riley, Richard, Ernest R. Cadotte, Leff Bonney, and Christelle MacGuire (2013), “Using a Business Simulation to Enhance Accounting Education.” Issues in Accounting Education, 28 (4).
Blocker, Christopher P., Mark Houston, and Daniel J. Flint (2012) “Unpacking what a ‘relationship’ means to commercial buyers: How the relationship metaphor creates tension and obscures experience,” Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 38, No. 5, pp. 886-908.
Nichols, Bridget, David Raska and Daniel J. Flint, (2015) “Effects of consumer embarrassment on shopping basket size and value: A study of the Millennial consumer,” Journal of Consumer Behavior, forthcoming.
Rader, Scott, Clinton Lanier, Zahed Subhan, Daniel J. Flint (2015), “Upwardly mobile with no place to go: a cross-cultural investigation into consumers constrained consumption experiences,” Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, forthcoming.
Hewett, Kelly, William Rand,Roland T. Rust, and Harald J. van Heerde (2016), Brand Buzz in the Echoverse, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 80 (3), 1-24.
Hewett, Kelly and Alexander V. Krasnikov (2016), Investing in Buyer-Seller Relationships in Transitional Markets: A Market-Based Assets Perspective, Journal of International Marketing, Vol. 24 (1).
Jayachandran, Satish, Peter Kaufman, V. Kumar and Kelly Hewett (2013), Brand Licensing: What Drives Royalty Rates?, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 77 (5), 108-122.
Moon, Mark A. and Peter Alle,, (2015), ³From S&OP to Business Integration,² Foresight: The International Journal of Applied Forecasting,² Issue 37 (Spring), 5-13.
Moon, Mark A. (2013), Demand and Supply Integration: The Key To World Class Demand Forecasting, New York, NY: Financial Times Press.
McCarthy, Teresa M., Mark A. Moon, and John T. Mentzer (2011), Motivating the Industrial Sales Force in the Sales Forecasting Process,² Industrial Marketing Management, 40 (1), 128-138.
Esmark, Carol and Stephanie M. Noble (forthcoming), “Retail Space Invaders: When Employees’ Invasion of Customer Space Increases Purchase Intentions,” Journal of Academy of Marketing Science.
Noble, Stephanie M., Kang Bok Lee, Russell Lee Zaretzki, and Chad Autry (forthcoming), “Coupon Clipping By Impoverished Consumers: Linking Demographics, Basket Size, and Coupon Redemption Rates,” International Journal of Research in Marketing.
Stevens, Jennifer L., Carol L. Esmark, Stephanie M. Noble, and Nayoung Lee (forthcoming), “Consumers’ Collaboration Experiences with Differing Levels and Types of Control,” Marketing Letters.
Randy Rose
Chatterjee, Promothesh, Caglar Irmak, and Randall L. Rose (2013), “The Endowment Effect as Self-Enhancement in Response to Threat,” Journal of Consumer Research, 40 (October), 460-476.
Lamberton, Cait Poynor, and Randall L. Rose (2012), When is Ours Better than Mine? A Framework for Understanding and Altering Participation in Commercial Sharing Systems,² Journal of Marketing, 76 (July), 109-125.
Chatterjee, Promothesh and Randall L. Rose (2012), ³Do Payment Mechanisms Change the Way Consumers Perceive Products? Journal of Consumer Research, 38 (April), 1129-39.
Sophie Xiao
Xiao, Yazhen, Haisu Zhang, and Timothy Basadur (2016), “Does Information Sharing Always Improve Team Decision Making? An Examination of the Hidden Profile Condition,” Journal of Business Research, 69(2), 587-595.
Spanjol, Jelena, Anna Cui, Cheryl Nakata, Lisa Sharp, Stephanie Crawford, Yazhen Xiao, and Mary Beth Watson-Manheim (2015), “Co-Production of Prolonged, Complex, and Negative Services: An Examination of Medication Adherence in Chronically Ill Individuals,” Journal of Service Research, 18(3), 284-302. (Honorable Mention Award for best article in the special issue on Transformative Service Research)
Shu, Chengli, Kevin Z. Zhou, Yazhen Xiao, and Shanxing Gao (2014), “How Green Management Influences Product Innovation in China: The Role of Institutional Benefits,” Journal of Business Ethics, 133(3), 471-485.
Alex R. Zablah, Brad. D. Carlson, D. Todd Donavan, James G. Maxham, III, and Tom J. Brown, (2016) “A Cross-Lagged Test of the Association between Customer Satisfaction and Employee Job Satisfaction in a Relational Context,” Journal of Applied Psychology, 101(5), 743-755.
Hauke Wetzel, Maik Hammerschmidt and Alex R. Zablah (2014), “Gratitude versus Entitlement: A Dual Process Model of the Profitability Implications of Customer Prioritization,” Journal of Marketing, 78(2), 1-19.
Alex R. Zablah, George R. Franke, Tom J. Brown and Darrell E. Bartholomew (2012), “How and When Does Customer Orientation Influence Frontline Employee Outcomes? A Meta-Analytic Evaluation,” Journal of Marketing, 76(3), 21-40.