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Russell Crook

Russell Crook

First Horizon Foundation Distinguished Business Professor
Office Location: Room - 408, Stokely Management Center 865-974-1773

Russell Crook is the First Horizon Distinguished Professor and head of the Department of Management and Entrepreneurship at the Haslam College of Business. He holds a Ph.D. in strategic management from Florida State University. He teaches strategic planning and implementation, and he has published over 40 articles on strategy and entrepreneurship topics. He spends considerable time with organization leaders to build their visions and goals, and then develop actions to achieve them. Before earning his Ph.D., he worked for American Airlines, US Airways and IBM in a variety of capacities, including strategic planning and global procurement.


Global Supply Chain, Healthcare, Leadership & Strategy, Physician Executive MBA


Global Supply Chain Institute


Florida State University, Ph.D., Strategic Management and Supply Chain Management

American University, M.B.A., Finance

Florida State University, B.S., Economics