Reservation Policies
General Considerations
The following order of priorities has been established for all space associated with the Haslam College of Business (HCB), and particularly for the various spaces in Haslam Business Building (HBB):
- Regular classroom instruction and support of instruction
- Events sponsored by the college
- Events sponsored by a HCB department
- Events sponsored by a HCB program
- Special events for the campus and system administration
- Special classes and events for HCB faculty
- Special events with key constituents co-sponsored by the college, a department or a program
- Requests from other UT units
- Other
- Use by groups not sponsored by or affiliated with the University of Tennessee is not allowed.
- Ad Astra is the official reservation system for all nationalized spaces, including all classrooms, most conference rooms and most special event spaces in HBB and SMC. The rest of the non-nationalized spaces (team rooms, conference rooms and special event spaces) are scheduled in Roomfusion.
- Prioritization of use is generally accomplished through the timing of reservations.
- Except under unusual circumstances, events properly scheduled in Ad Astra and Roomfusion will not be cancelled for higher priority events.
- All reservations for groups outside the college (priorities 3, 5, and 6) are arranged through the Dean’s Office.
Reservation and Access for HCB Personnel:
- Departments may schedule departmental meetings and other departmental events before rooms become available to faculty, staff, students, or outside groups. Events scheduled using this extended privilege must be departmentally sponsored.
- Multiple reservations to hold several potential times for a single meeting or event are not allowed.
- The department head, assistant department head, and the senior administrative assistant will have departmental administrative privilege.
- Individuals enjoying extended reservation privilege (college or department administration) must not use that privilege to circumvent reservation priorities.
Reservations by the faculty or staff require that a faculty or staff member be present for the event and be responsible for the room.
- Students admitted to a business major with a junior status or above will receive privileges to use Roomfusion, unless they are in GLS or IBEP as sophomores or employed in the MILC.
Undergraduate students may make up to 1 reservation per day, up to 1.5 hours per reservation, up to 24 hours in advance. This applies to ad hoc reservations as well. No repeating reservations are permitted.
May not reserve conference rooms or classrooms.
Graduate students can make up to 2 reservations per day, up to 1 hour per reservation, up to 7 days in advance. This applies to ad hoc reservations as well. No repeating reservations are permitted.
- When reserving a room, the following information must be specified in Roomfusion:
A relevant, business-like title
A description of the meeting or event
- The start time for the meeting (including setup and takedown time)
- The type of event
- The individual or individuals responsible for the room (specified as the owner and attendees)
- Because of its size, the Brinkley Conference Room (HBB 334) should not be reserved for small groups when other more appropriate space is available.
- Priority use of the Pilot Conference Room (HBB 316) is for groups needing the video conferencing capacity and other special features of the room.
- Special Events (events using the West Wing, Atrium, Stokely Hospitality Suite, Plaza, or Terrace) must be scheduled through the Dean’s Office (Jennifer Horner, 4-5061).
- All regular classroom scheduling is the exclusive responsibility of the Undergraduate Program Office; departments should not reserve classrooms for special uses until the teaching schedule has been finalized.
- Departments should not reserve conference rooms for regular scheduled classes.
- Individuals abusing reservation privileges will have their reservation authority canceled or significantly limited.
Reservations and Access for Groups Outside HCB:
- Initial requests for the use of HCB facilities should be directed to Jennifer Horner (4-5061) in the HCB Dean’s Office.
- A UT unit must sponsor the reservation; reservations for individuals acting without departmental or program support will not be honored.
- The following information is required at the time of initial inquiry:
- The requesting unit, with appropriate administrative contacts
- A description of the meeting or event
- Either the general space needs or the specific rooms requested
- The days and hours of the event
- Whether food will be served
- Whether audio/visual resources will be used
- The approximate number of people attending the meeting or event
- Reservations within 2 weeks of an event that do not involve food/beverage or A/V usage can be made and promptly confirmed via email; other reservations require delayed confirmation.
- If food or beverage is to be served, a caterer approved by the college must be used.
- If A/V equipment is to be used, specific arrangements with our Technical Innovative Solutions (TIS) office are required. This may require training before the event. A $50 logistics fee will be charged.
- If the event occurs over a weekend (Friday evening through Sunday evening), specific arrangements must be made for building security and timely cleanup. In addition, a $300 logistics fee will be charged.
Unlocking and Locking of Rooms:
- Classrooms and Conference Rooms will automatically unlock 30 minutes before a scheduled class or event and will remain unlocked for 15 minutes after the reservation end time.
- Team Rooms will only unlock when there is a reservation and the owner or attendee of that reservation enters their access code on the room sign. The room will lock within 90 seconds after unlocking and remain locked throughout the reservation. Reservation owners and attendees will be able to exit and re-enter the room using the access code for the duration of the reservation.
- Unreserved rooms remain locked at all times. They can be unlocked by creating an ad hoc reservation at the room sign or by creating a reservation on the app or portal.
Student Organization Meetings:
Only student organizations that are directly affiliated with the Haslam College of Business may use space in Haslam. Groups must have a faculty sponsor present through the duration of each meeting.
- HBB 201 is available in the evenings for Haslam College of Business student organization meetings. This is the only room available for these meetings.
- Regularly occurring meetings may be scheduled at the beginning of each semester, and may occur monthly or bi-monthly. Other meetings may be reserved no earlier than one month in advance.
- Reservations for undergraduate groups may be made and approved through the Undergraduate Programs Business Office. Graduate Programs should address their requests through the Dean’s office.
- Food and drink are allowed in HBB 201 only after 5pm during the business week for an approved meeting.
- All tables and chairs must be wiped and cleaned off before leaving and trash must be put in appropriate containers.
- If a spill happens on the carpet or the tile, call 865-946-7777 immediately. This is Facilities Services’ after-hours line and they will send someone as soon as possible. Failure to report a spill to Facilities Services will result in the organization losing their privileges for booking HBB 201.
- HBB 201 must be vacated by 9:00pm.
- Shut down all equipment and secure the space before exiting.
Special Spaces
Haslam Business Building has many areas that were designed for uses outside the normal functions of an academic building, but that play an integral role in the operation of the college. Our Atrium, Terrace, Plaza, West Wing, and Stokely Hospitality Suite routinely fulfill unique functions for the college. These facilities are available for use by other UT groups on a limited basis. Use of these facilities is arranged through the Dean’s office. A fee is imposed for use of these facilities by organizations outside the college.
Events scheduled for a weekend (Friday evening through Sunday evening) require prior cleanup arrangements with Facilities Services. All rooms must be returned to their normal condition by Monday morning at 8:00.
The West Wing
Throughout the planning and building of HBB, the West Wing was intended to be a prestigious and well-appointed space, available for special events. The West Wing is never reserved for classes, recurring meetings or as an alternative conference room. All uses of the West Wing are arranged and approved through the Dean’s Office. Requests for reservations from HCB departments and programs are entertained up to one year in advance of an event; all other reservations are limited to within six months of an event. Approval of West Wing events is consistent with general building use priorities and the intended purpose of the space. Food and drink are permitted.
The Atrium
The Atrium has become the hub for the Haslam College of Business. As such, the Atrium is an ideal location for student recruitment and for information dissemination. It is also an ideal place to welcome visiting groups to our college. Groups wishing to use it for these or similar purposes may reserve space in the Atrium through the Dean’s Office. Except under unusual circumstances, only one organization may use the Atrium on any given day.
The Atrium is also an excellent location for dinners and special receptions. For example, the Atrium is used for HCB commencement receptions. These events require special accommodations including closing parts of the building, and limiting the use of other parts. Because of the disruption of usual operations, events of this sort are kept to a minimum. Arrangements for these events occur through the Dean’s Office and require approval by the Dean.
The Terrace and Plaza
The Terrace overlooking Andy Holt Ave and Neyland Stadium is an ideal location for small outdoor receptions. Similarly, the Plaza between HBB and SMC accommodates larger outdoor gatherings. Both of these locations require alternate accommodations for inclement weather.
Stokely Hospitality Suite (SHS)
Stokely Hospitality Suite (HBB 501) is the primary dining facility in HBB. It routinely serves as the location for breakfast and lunch for many Graduate and Executive Education (GEE) groups. It also serves as a location for receptions and dinners. It is available to other groups on a limited basis, subject to the following guidelines.
- GEE and the Dean’s Office will administer all use of SHS.
- All requests for use of SHS (outside GEE) will be directed to and approved by the Dean’s Office.
- Except when notified of a special event, GEE residence programs have priority use of SHS for breakfast and lunch meals.
- The Dean’s Office will notify GEE well in advance of any special event that requires exclusive use of the SHS.
- All changes in table or serving arrangements, including use of A/V equipment, must be arranged well in advance of an event, approved by both GEE and the Dean’s Office, and supervised by one of those offices. A logistics fee of $50 will be charged.
- A single caterer will cater each meal or special event. Except for special events, selection of caterers will be the responsibility of GEE.
- On a space and time available basis, groups may use SHS for meals or breaks by sharing costs and coordinating their use through GEE.
- GEE will reserve catering setup time in Roomfusion and Ad Astra specifying the best estimate as to the number of attendees.
- As the information becomes available, specific times for breaks and meals will be specified in Roomfusion and Ad Astra.
- Upon request, GEE will provide a per-person cost estimate to the second party.
- The second party must reserve additional plates at least 72 hours in advance and reimburse GEE for the number of plates reserved.
- When GEE is not using SHS and shared use is therefore impossible, groups may use the facility.
- Specific arrangements must be made for timely cleaning of both the kitchen and dining room, and returning the space to its original condition. This includes removal of trash to appropriate location.
- Only caterers approved by GEE may be used.
- Furniture may not be moved.
- GEE supplies (plates, cups, napkins, drinks etc.) may not be used.
- A logistics fee of $50 will be charged.