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Stephanie Noble

Stephanie Noble

Nestle USA Professor in Business, William B. Stokely Distinguished Scholar
Office Location: Room - 335, Stokely Management Center 865-974-5311

Stephanie Noble is a Nestle USA Professor in Business, William B. Stokely Distinguished Scholar.

Back in the 1980s there was a show called “Fight Back with David Horowitz.” Viewers would write into the show with product claims they wanted David Horowitz to test. For example, could Glad trash bags really not break after being kicked down a flight of stairs or having an elephant step on it? Could a Timex watch really keep on ticking after being submerged in water? These were the types of product claims this show tested. As a child, Stephanie would write in weekly to put product claims to the test. Her love for testing ideas can probably be traced back to this show. Stephanie still loves testing ideas, but instead of testing advertising claims she now studies and tests customer experiences in retailing and service settings.

Stephanie enjoys travelling. She studied abroad in England and enjoyed backpacking around England, Scotland, Ireland, Western and Eastern Europe. More recently she has explored Egypt, China, Alaska, Cuba, and Kenya. Some of her favorite/most interesting places include the Romantic Road and Neuschwanstein castle in Germany, Anne Frank’s house in Amsterdam, Old City Prague, the Pyramids and Abu Simbel in Egypt, and the Terra-Cotta Warriors in China. Local favorites of hers are Mount Rushmore and Niagara Falls. Some of her most memorable moments from travelling abroad are wandering the windy streets of Bratislava and turning a corner to see Nicole Kidman and George Clooney filming the Peacemaker. The American film crew let her stay on set and watch the filming. Other great memorable sightings include seeing Queen Elizabeth in England and the Pope in Germany…both about 10 feet in front of her. Sights she’d still like to see include Machu Picchu in Peru, Red Square in Russia, and the Taj Mahal in India. When her children are older Stephanie hopes to be able to take them travelling abroad.

Currently, Stephanie is the Nestle USA Professor in Business and William B. Stokely Faculty Research Fellow in the Marketing Department at the University of Tennessee. Her primary research interests involve customer experience management in retail and service settings. Examples include the influence of each of the following on customers’ experiences: Frontline employees (e.g., proximity, territoriality issues), retailer relationship development efforts (e.g., loyalty programs, brand communities), and retailer strategy decisions (e.g., co-production, couponing). She has published in several top journals including the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Service Research, MIT Sloan Management Review, Harvard Business Review and many other outlets. Stephanie was a member of the American Marketing Association’s (AMA) Academic Council, has co-chaired the Summer AMA Educator’s Conference, has been a doctoral consortium faculty member for the Frontiers in Services, Academy of Marketing Science, and Society for Marketing Advances Conferences, and has been actively involved in the Relationship Marketing SIG (Vice Chair of Communications) for the AMA. Stephanie has been the recipient of many awards at the college level for her research and been nominated or a finalist for many mentoring awards including the AMA’s Erin Anderson Award and the Chancellor’s Excellence in Graduate Mentoring and Advising Award (The University of Tennessee). Stephanie is a recipient of the 2021 Poets & Quants Best Undergraduate Professors award. She has taught undergraduate, master’s/MBA and Ph.D. level courses. Her teaching interests are in marketing research, relationship marketing, retailing and services marketing. Stephanie has also provided consulting services for several leading companies including Viking Corporation, Hollywood Casino and Resorts, Houston Aeros, Laguna Tools, Mississippi Small Business Association, Food Lion, and Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse. She serves as editor-in-chief for the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science and was formerly a co-editor for the Journal of Service Research and area editor for the Journal of Retailing.

Awards & Honors



    2001 University of Massachusetts, Ph.D., Marketing

    1995 Arizona State University, M.S.,

    1993 Arizona State University, B.A., Psychology