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Alex Scott

Alex Scott

Office Location: Room - 316, Stokley Management Center 865-974-5311

Alex Scott is an associate professor of supply chain management and the Gerald T. Niedert Professor in the Haslam College of Business at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Scott’s research focuses on supply chain policy, transportation sustainability and safety, and market dynamics and governance structures in the transportation industry. His research has appeared in the Journal of Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, the Journal of Business Logistics, and Transportation Science, among others, and has been covered by numerous industry publications. His work has been presented as evidence in front of a U.S. Congressional subcommittee on transportation safety. Scott regularly presents at national conferences, serves as a referee for various leading academic journals, and is an experienced expert witness.

Prior to joining academia, Scott worked for nine years in industry, including with a large transportation company, a large third-party logistics provider and an international consulting firm. He has consulted in many industries and countries, including in Brazil, Canada, France, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Russia, Ukraine, and Saudi Arabia. He has led projects on supply chain strategy (including a multibillion-dollar merger), network design, inventory planning and optimization and transportation planning.


2016 Pennsylvania State University, Ph.D., Business Administration

2003 Georgia Institute of Technology, M.S., Operations Research

2002 Purdue University, B.S., Industrial Engineering