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Matthew Harris

Matthew Harris

Boyd Distinguished Professor of Health Economics, Dr. Mile Stahl PEMBA Faculty Fellow (2017-2022-2023)
Office Location: Room - A142, Cherokee Mills 865-974-5591

Matt Harris is the Boyd Distinguished Professor of Health Economics in the Boyd Center for Business and Economic Research and the Department of Economics in the Haslam College of Business at the University of Tennessee. Harris currently holds the Michael Stahl PEMBA Faculty Research Fellowship (2017-2022-2023), serves as SEC Faculty Athletics Representative, and chairs the organizing committee for the Annual Health Econometrics Workshop.

His research interests are primarily in labor, public, and health economics. Harris is also responsible for population forecasting for the Tennessee Advisory Council on Intergovernmental Relations.

Awards & Honors



    Healthcare, Physician Executive MBA



    2013 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Ph.D., Economics

    2007 George Mason University, M.A., Economics

    2000 University of Virginia, B.A., Economics