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Seongkyoon Jeong

Seongkyoon Jeong

Office Location: Room - 303, Stokely Management Center 865-974-5311

Seongkyoon Jeong is an assistant professor of supply chain management at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville’s Haslam College of Business. His research focuses on contemporary issues in supply chain management, such as digital supply chain, cybersecurity and sustainable operations.

Before obtaining his doctorate from Arizona State University, Jeong worked at the Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials, a government-funded research institute specializing in interorganizational relationships and R&D strategy.

Awards & Honors


    2022 Arizona State University, Ph.D., Supply Chain Management

    2016 Georgia Institute of Technology, M.S., Management

    2009 Seoul National University, M.S., Technology Management, Economics and Policy

    2007 Seoul National University, B.S., Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering