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T. Allen Pannell, Jr.

T. Allen Pannell, Jr.

Amy Foster Memorial Research Fellow
Office Location: Room - 227, Stokely Management Center 865-974-6018

Allen Pannell is a lecturer in business analytics and statistics who also teaches graduate and executive education courses. He is the first Amy Foster Memorial Research Fellow. The fellowship is designated for business analytics and statistics faculty, preferably one whose research affects the life expectancy of those impacted by metastatic breast cancer research, a focus of Pannell’s research. He specializes in business process improvement, leadership, six sigma, strategic planning, and experimental design. Pannell’s research interests are in metastatic breast cancer.

Since 1985, Pannell’s consulting experience included coaching senior executives through major change efforts, including design, planning and implementation. He has successfully worked with numerous manufacturing and service organizations, including Baxter, Rich Products, JSC, Kraft, Coca-Cola, Ford and Cargill in projects involving quality improvement, cost reduction and customer focus

Pannell received his bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate in statistics from UT, and he holds a Six Sigma Master Black Belt certification. He was voted Outstanding Faculty by Aerospace and Defense MBA students.


Podcast discussing Frequentist versus Bayesian statistics:

1.66 Employing Medical Writers & Frequentist vs Bayesian Methods with Allen Pannell by Plenary Session

Awards & Honors


    Full-Time MBA, Operations Excellence, Professional MBA


    2015 University of Tennessee, PhD, Statistics

    1984 University of Tennessee, M.S., Statistics and Finance

    1990 University of Tennessee, B.S., Statistics