Integrity Laboratories, headed by CEO Christian Clevenger, is distributing a test for people possibly infected by the coronavirus. Clevenger says that the test uses real-time polymerase chain reaction (a sophisticated technology that makes copies of a specific RNA region in vitro and converts it to DNA) to perform rapid testing and identification of suspected coronavirus (2019 novel Coronavirus nCoV, COVID-19). The FDA issued Integrity Laboratories an Emergency Use Authorization to begin testing on March 16, 2020.
“During these uncertain times, Integrity Laboratories finds itself humbly focused on using our expertise and state-of-the-art technology to serve the needs of our community,” Clevenger, who earned his Executive MBA from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville’s Haslam College of Business in 2012, says.
The technology can deliver testing results within six to eight hours from receipt of a specimen in the laboratory. Since receiving the emergency authorization, Clevenger says his company solely focused on meeting the needs of heroic individuals serving communities from the front lines.
“These are our first responders and the healthcare providers working to extinguish this worldwide pandemic,” he says. “Equally important, our senior citizens, who are the most vulnerable of our community, have been triaged to the top of our priority list.”
Founded in 2011 in Knoxville, Integrity Laboratories provides a range of comprehensive, cutting-edge clinical laboratory testing. The company is now dedicated to producing the COVID-19 tests to help address the coronavirus outbreak.
“We are honored to be part of the solution by being fully committed and present for our community over the coming weeks,” Clevenger says. “The state of Tennessee has a rich history of demonstrating strong resolve in times like these. Our people are resilient and never shy away from a challenge. These traits will allow our state and our nation to prevail during these unprecedented challenges. “
Scott McNutt, business writer/publicist (865-974-3589,