Business Core
Building on the pre-business core, the 17-hour business core consists of integrated contemporary business management (CBM) modules in supply chain management, demand management, lean operations, information management, and integrated process management. It also contains discipline-specific courses in financial management, business strategy, global and legal issues.
Third Year
First Semester
- BUAD 331 (2 hours)
CBM I: Supply Chain Management - BUAD 332 (2 hours)
CBM I: Demand Management - BUAD 341 (2 hours)
CBM II: Operations Management - BUAD 342 (2 hours)
CBM II: Information Management - FINC 301 or 306*(2 hours) (FINC 306 required for FINC majors and collaterals)
Financial Management
Second Semester
- BUAD 453 (4 hours)*
Global Strategic Management: Integrating Concepts and Application - BULW 301 (2 hours)*
Legal Environment of Business
*after third or fourth year, depending on choice of major or dual concentration