Faculty & Staff Programs Professional Development Fund
The Professional Development Fund focuses on continued learning and development for staff.
Faculty & Staff PROGRAMS
Optimizing the individual strengths and contributions of staff leaders is vital to the Haslam College of Business’ success and collective longevity. The Professional Development Fund for Staff (PDFS) is an effort to encourage staff support and workplace excellence through continuous learning, training, and development.
To receive funding for pre-approved professional development opportunities, an applicant must meet the staff eligibility requirements and adhere to the following guidelines:
- Haslam College of Business exempt or non-exempt staff who have been retained beyond the six-month probationary period
- Applicants must be committed to supporting the mission, vision and core values of Haslam
- Applicants must complete an application detailing relevant goals and how the professional development opportunity will add value to those goals
- If the desired opportunity includes a selection process, applicants must have been accepted/selected prior to applying for funding
- Applicants must secure written approval and support from their departmental supervisor, demonstrating how the opportunity supports the applicant’s individual professional development plan, department and/or college

Eligible Events/Activities
Conferences, workshops, symposiums, seminars, webinars, online workshop/course (non-credit), etc. Initial professional certification and licensing fees

Ineligible Events/Activities
University of Tennessee courses offered through the Educational Assistance and Fee Waiver program, annual renewal fees, membership fees for professional associations/organizations/clubs, software or software licensing, etc.
Approval of events/activities outside the categories listed above will be decided at the discretion of the PDFS committee.
Faculty & Staff PROGRAMS

The PDFS committee reviews all completed applications. An individual employee’s use of the PDFS is limited to $500.00 in any fiscal year. The committee may choose to limit an individual cost center/department at any time during the fiscal year. An important factor in granting awards will be the potential benefits to the employee, department and college. The employee’s department must be committed to matching funds for opportunities external to the university. There is no departmental matching requirement for university-hosted initiatives. Approved funds will be transferred to the employee’s department to offset reimbursement. Record of completion is required.
Communication of each award is emailed to the recipient and departmental supervisor approximately two weeks after the application deadline. Upon approval, the recipient will receive instructions on how funds will be transferred and information on how to submit a record of completion.
For more information, contact:
Clarence L. Vaughn III
Director, Office of Access & Community Connections
Fill out the form below to apply to the Faculty & Staff Professional Development Fund