Corporate Partners and Advocates Recruitment, Retention and Education
The Haslam College of Business Office of Access and Community Connections (OACC) has several opportunities for recruitment, as well as community and corporate interaction.
Corporate Partners and Advocates
Through its Diversity Connections Program, the Haslam College of Business teams up with industry leaders to educate the business talent of tomorrow.
Organizations that support our students find their involvement is mutually beneficial. While our students gain access to state-of-the-art technology, challenging programs, experienced faculty and need-based scholarships, corporate involvement benefits the corporations as much as it does our students.
Corporations that support the Haslam College of Business are often eligible for tax deductions. They gain access to the best and brightest college students and visible recognition in the Haslam Business Building.
With your support, the OACC can change the lives of deserving students. To learn more about becoming a Diversity Connections sponsor, please contact our office.
Our corporate partners include:
- The Boeing Company
- Dixon Hughes Goodman
- Deloitte
- Enterprise Holdings
- Ernst & Young LLC
- McCormick & Company, Inc.
- PriceaterhouseCoopers
- PepsiCo
- Scripps Networks Interactive
- Caterpillar
- Target
- Regions Bank
- Crowe LLP
- Pilot Company
- Truist Bank
- Crowe LLP
- RSM Foundation, LLC
- First Horizon Bank
- E&J Gallo Winery
- Bank of America
- Ryder
- Tractor Supply
- Bush Brothers and Company
- EJ Gallo Winery
Corporate Partners and Advocates

The OACC partners with the Office of Undergraduate Admissions on university-wide multicultural student recruitment initiatives, including Minority Enhancement for the University of Tennessee (ME4UT). An academic browse session is provided for the sneak peek overnight visit for prospective multicultural students, and a student panel and faculty speaker are provided for the Join the University’s Minority Program (JUMP) visits for admitted multicultural students.
A BETS Scholars Breakfast showcases the college to admitted multicultural students and their families. Students and parents have the opportunity to meet students, faculty and administrators as they receive an overview of the college and the benefits of enrollment. In addition, students have the opportunity to meet with scholarship donors in a private setting to share their goals and appreciation for being awarded such a great opportunity.
Summer residential programs provide an in-depth preview of the college and business fields for high school students from talented groups and those who qualify for free or reduced-cost lunch. Both Business Education for Talented Students (BETS), a 10-day program for rising seniors, and Accounting and Information Management(AIM) Academy, a three-day program for rising juniors, are provided at no cost aside from a $20 seat reservation fee. There are two additional summer programs offered, the Women Empowered through Business (WEB) Institute and Suppy Chain Management (SCM) Summer Camp.
Our office collaborates with Project Grad Knoxville on the Early College Awareness Program, which targets fifth- and eighth-grade students and parents in selected schools to increase awareness of higher education options and encourage early planning.

The Haslam College of Business Office of Access and Community Connections leads the college’s efforts to build a diverse collegiate community by fostering a climate that supports respect, social justice and broad participation. We work to promote the development of a culturally diverse college community and to recruit and retain faculty, students, and staff from historically talented groups. We also provide strategic planning and leadership for college-wide and departmental diversity programs.

The Haslam College of Business promotes the value of diversity and fosters retention of students from talented groups by sponsoring student organizations such as the Diverse Organization of Business Students (DOBS) and a chapter of the National Association of Black Accountants (NABA). Our Diversity Advancement Program provides increased involvement as students serve as ambassadors for the college. The OACC’s Business Diversity Connections Symposium provides networking and information to multicultural business students across the state.

A biannual newsletter, Diversity Express, informs the college
community with news of diversity events and initiatives. The Diversity Leadership Development Program introduces students to the business case for diversity and the value of diverse perspectives in the workplace. Diversity Lunch and Learn sessions keep staff members informed of diversity issues and programs. Safe Zone training to improve the visibility and support of LGBT students and employees is provided for faculty, staff and students in conjunction with the university’s Office of Multicultural Student Life.

The Haslam College of Business Office of Access and Community Connections (OACC) offers several recruitment opportunities for our corporate partners.

The Haslam College of Business Office of Access and Community Connections (OACC) assists with the placement of students at our corporate partner businesses.
Corporate Partners and Advocates
You can be part of important initiatives at the Haslam College of Business with a sponsorship through the new Diversity Connections Program. Three sponsorship levels are available and carry a variety of benefits:

Gold Sponsorship
- Recognition as a charter gold sponsor in the Office of Access and Community Connections and on the office’s website
- Recruitment space in Haslam College of Business Atrium
- Speaking opportunity with three student groups
- Two opportunities to host open houses on campus

Silver Sponsorship
- Recruitment space in the Haslam College of Business Atrium
- Speaking opportunity with two student groups

Bronze Sponsorship
- Recruitment space in the Haslam College of Business Atrium
- Speaking opportunity with one student group