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James Keebler

James Keebler

Lecturer of SCM
Office Location: Room - 300, Stokely Management Center

James Keebler is a lecturer of supply chain management at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville’s Haslam College of Business. Previously, he was a visiting professor in the College of Business Administration at the University of Central Florida and professor and Charles S. Conklin Chair and Eminent Scholar at Clayton State University.

Keebler focuses on strategic planning and performance measurement in logistics and supply chain management. He has published in several highly regarded academic and practitioner journals. Google Scholar reports that he has been cited in more than 7,600 peer-reviewed publications.

Keebler is the co-author of the books Keeping Score: Measuring the Business Value of Logistics in the Supply Chain, and Supply Chain Management.

Before entering academia, Keebler spent more than 25 years building experience in manufacturing, marketing and logistics management across the food, pharmaceuticals, health care, electronics and consumer products industries. He held senior management positions with the Pillsbury Company, Bergen Brunswig Corporation and Digital Equipment Corporation. Keebler also worked for an international consulting firm and owned and operated two businesses. He served for five years as president of a Colgate-Palmolive subsidiary and as vice president of an operating division.

Keebler served six years in the Army Transportation Corp in the U.S., Europe and Vietnam. He has been a full-time faculty member at St. Cloud State University, the University of South Florida, Clayton State University and the University of Central Florida. He has a master’s degree in finance and management. He earned his doctorate in marketing and logistics from UT in 2000.


Global Supply Chain Institute