Ph.D. in Finance

The Haslam College of Business’ Ph.D. in Finance is a STEM-designated degree that equips students to conduct original, cutting-edge research in financial markets and corporate finance. The full-time, four- to five-year program combines academic rigor and hands-on mentoring. Students gain exposure to the profession by networking with world-class scholars at our annual “Smokey” Mountain Finance Conference, engaging in department research seminars and Neel Corporate Governance Center workshops, and presenting work at national and international conferences.

Our goal is to place graduates in tenure-track, academic positions. Toward that end, our faculty members mentor doctoral students as junior colleagues from day one. We typically admit two new students each academic year and maintain a research faculty to student ratio near one-to-one. The small program size facilitates close interaction with our faculty and fellow students, often leading to coauthored publications and ongoing relationships well beyond graduation.

In addition to taking five finance seminars, each doctoral student completes a set of economics and research methods courses. Students also have opportunities to take courses in complementary areas depending on their research interests.