Marketing Guidelines
The Big Picture
We’re proud that students, faculty, staff, alumni and journalists want to share what’s happening at the Haslam College of Business with the world. Doing so in a consistent manner helps make our stories, achievements and brand more recognizable. The guidelines below are meant to unite friends in elevating the reputation of the college and assist those who are just learning about us to easily find out more.
Editorial Guidelines
How to Refer to Haslam
When referring to the Haslam College of Business the first time, use the full name, including the name of the university. Note that the comma is required, and Knoxville should be set off with a pair of commas in running text.
- The University of Tennessee, Knoxville’s Haslam College of Business
- The Haslam College of Business at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
On second and subsequent references to the college, use only Haslam.
- Haslam offers graduate and undergraduate degrees.
- If you have questions about the event, contact the Haslam Office of Marketing and Public Relations.
Inclusion of “the University of Tennessee, Knoxville,” is not required when referencing the college in major, well-branded university publications, such as magazines and annual reports. Simply using the Haslam College of Business is acceptable.Using only Haslam on second and subsequent references can often become cumbersome or repetitive for the reader. Using “the college” is acceptable to avoid repetition.
Unacceptable Stylings
UT’s Haslam
College of Business Administration
How to refer to your department
When referring to your department for the first time, use the full name, including the name of the college.
- The Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management at the University of Tennessee’s Haslam College of Business.
- The Haslam College of Business offers both graduate and undergraduate degrees within the Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management.
Style Guidelines
The Haslam College of Business uses AP Style for all electronic pieces (including website copy, blogs and e-newsletters) and all content created for use in news journals (press releases, newspaper articles and advertisements). All print publications (magazines, annual reports, brochures, letters and one sheets) should use Chicago style.
Logo Use
Because the Haslam College of Business is the university’s only named college, its logo treatment differs from the guidelines set forth by Campus Communications. The Haslam College of Business logo should be present on all communications from the college.
Departments, programs, centers, institutes or other units within the college should not use or create logos or wordmarks of any kind.
Where department unit should be identified on a piece, the department’s name should appear in plain text (preferably Gotham) opposite the Haslam logo. Department name should never appear as part of the Haslam logo. If space is restricted, departments should defer to the Haslam logo alone. Using the Power T alone in conjunction with a name outside of approved lockups or logos is not permitted.
Special lockups, featuring department or center/institute names with the Power T and the Haslam College of Business name are available from Haslam Marketing and Public Relations. These lockups should only be used for promotional materials such as apparel. Print and digital communications should use the Haslam logo alone. Logo shortcuts with the Power T and the unit name, also available, should only be used for small promotional materials on which the longer form logos are impractical. Examples include pens and flash drives.
Never use the university seal. It is reserved for use by the Office of the Chancellor.
Color variations

Standard (preferred)
Logos should appear in the standard color configuration whenever possible. NOTE: The power T is white, not transparent, and the wordmark is Smokey Grey not black.

Reversed on Orange
When placed on a background of UT Orange, the wordmark should be white, and the icon block should be reversed out (orange Power T in a white block).

Reversed on Dark
When placed on a dark background, the workdmark should be white. The icon block is still orange and white.
If you need a one-color logo or shortcut for use on merchandise, you should provide a licensed vendor with one of the supplied EPS files. One-color logos may only be reproduced in UT Orange, white, or Smokey Grey.
Graphic Identity
We strive for clean, minimalistic design that incorporates strong photography and bold color, grounded in orange and smokey.
The UT brand book sets out several tiers of color palettes that are available for use in marketing publications. Whenever possible, the primary palette of UT orange, white and smokey should be used on its own.
Some publications require accent colors for interest. In the second level of palette colors Haslam primarily uses globe, with occasional accents of torch, especially with orange to torch fades.
In the third level of palette colors, Haslam uses only rock, except in very rare exceptions.
Text that appears on a colored background should be white.
Black should never be used in Haslam marketing materials, even as a font color. Use smokey instead, or 80% black.
Smokey text should never appear on an orange background or orange text on a smokey background.
Haslam MPR needs a minimum of four weeks to fulfill print projects. Six weeks is preferable. The timeline functions as follows:
- Week 1
Consult with marketing contact and determine content - Week 2
Create and edit content - Week 3-4
Graphic design and editing of graphic design - Week 4-6
Files sent to University Printing and Mailing for processing and mailing
Haslam MPR design resources are limited, and for shorter timelines, design duties might be assigned to a freelancer, creating an extra charge to the department. Freelancers have been approved through the UT process and are versed in Haslam’s branding guidelines. Alternative freelancers should not be used. Costs are explained up front and estimates may be created for new projects to ensure budgetary adherence.
In general, we use Gotham for display copy such as headlines, or Clarendon if a sans serif is preferred. Georgia is a good body text that is usually included in free font stacks and design/writing programs.
Additional Resources
You can learn more about the university’s brand guidelines, including typography and color, through UT’s Office of Communications and Marketing.
Apparel and giveaway items bearing Haslam or unit logos and other licensed items must be created using licensed vendors. Lists of licensed marks and vendors are available through the Office of Trademark Licensing.