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Ernie Cadotte

Ernie Cadotte

Emeritus Professor of Innovative Learning
Office Location: 709A Stokely Management Center

Ernie Cadotte is professor emeritus of innovative learning at the University of Tennessee. He joined the faculty in 1974. He earned a Ph.D. at the Ohio State University in marketing and logistics, an MBA in management science at the University of Colorado and a B.S. in psychology with a minor in mathematics from Michigan State University. Cadotte’s research interests include learning processes, assessment, psychological measurement, customer satisfaction and entrepreneurial decision-making.

He has published in the Journal of Marketing Research, Research in Marketing, Journal of Data Collection and Journal of Marketing.



1974 Ohio State University, Ph.D., Marketing and Logistics

1971 University of Colorado, M.B.A., Management Science

1968 Michigan State University, B.S., Psychology, Mathematics minor