The Impact of TennCare: Survey of Recipients, 2009
Publication Date: August 1, 2009
The Center for Business and Economic Research at the University of Tennessee contracted with the Department of Finance and Administration of the State of Tennessee to conduct a survey of Tennessee residents in order to ascertain their insurance status and use of medical facilities. Given the necessity of obtaining accurate estimates for subpopulations, a target sample size of 5,000 was agreed upon. The survey instrument was prepared in cooperation with personnel from the Bureau of TennCare. The survey was conducted by telephone between April and June, 2009. The survey was conducted with a Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing System, utilizing a random-digit dialing based sample. Four calls were made to each residence, at staggered times, to minimize nonrespondent bias. The design chosen was a "Household Sample," and the interview was conducted with the Head of the Household. The University of Tennessee Social Science Research Institute administered the survey.