Job & Internship Preparation

Career coaches meet with undergraduate students throughout their time in the Haslam College of Business to help develop their professional skills and find employment. The university provides career paths, resources and job boards that align with business majors.

All students receive professional development support through the Haslam Leaders series. The college also provides students with 1:1 career coaching and job search support.

College and Industry-specific Resources

Identity-Based Resources

Haslam Leaders Curriculum

Job Search

Make an Appointment with a Career Coach

To schedule a Career Coaching Appointment, follow the steps below.

  • Log into your MyUTK account
  • Select “Academic Support” from the options at the top of the screen and select “Vol Connect” from the dropdown menu. This will take you to the Vol Connect student portal.
  • Click “Connect” from the options at the top of the screen and select “Schedule Appointments” from the dropdown menu.
  • Click the blue “Schedule an Appointment” button.
  • Select the “Teams” tab.
  • Select the Center for Career Development and Academic Exploration.
  • Select the topic (Career Coaching) and subtopic. The subtopic will either be Unsure of Major or the College or Industry area that best aligns with your interests and goals.
  • Select the preferred date, time, staff member, and modality.
  • Indicate what you would like to discuss during your appointment in the comment box.
  • To confirm the appointment, click “Schedule ___ Appointment.” Your appointment will NOT be saved until you click this button.

Please call 865-974-5435 if you have problems scheduling your appointment online.

Internships are one of the top experience employers look for on a resume and can often be the difference between getting the job or earning a higher salary after graduation. Gaining real-world experience through a business internship also gives your career path focus. It puts your passions to practice to help you know where your interests and strengths stack up, and some internships can help off-set the costs of academic life or earn credit equivalency. Haslam also offers a Internship Housing Scholarship, open to all undergraduate business students.

Internships are a chance for students to gain hands-on experience in the business world, apply the knowledge learned in the classroom to real-world problems, and develop important professional skills. By participating in an internship, students gain a competitive advantage for future employment by providing meaningful work experience and an introduction to a potential career or employer. Students can earn unrestricted elective hours for their internship experience through BUAD 492.

Haslam students can schedule an appointment in the Business Communication Studio to get peer-to-peer support on projects and assignments specific to professional communication, including resume reviews, presentation practice, cover letter, LinkedIn profile, interviewing and post-interview thank-you notes.

245 Haslam Business Building, mezzanine-level

Monday-Thursday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Friday, 9 a.m. to noon