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Charles Noble

Charles Noble

Jerry & Kay Henry Professor in Business
Office Location: Room - 325, Stokely Management Center 865-974-5061

Charles H. Noble is currently the Jerry and Kay Henry Professor of Business and the Roy and Audrey Fancher Faculty Research Fellow at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville’s Haslam College of Business. Previously, he served as associate dean for research and faculty at Haslam and was on the faculties of Boston College and the University of Mississippi. His research interests focus generally on design and development processes, as applied to both products and services. He has published in many leading journals, including the Journal of Marketing, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Product Innovation Management, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management and many others. He is currently in his second term on the editorial board of the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. Charles has consulted for many organizations, primarily in the airline, retailing, consumer goods and commercial real estate sectors. He has won several awards for both research and teaching.

Awards & Honors



    1996 Arizona State University, Ph.D., Marketing

    1989 Babson College, M.B.A., Marketing and International Business

    1986 Boston College, B.S., Finance