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Christine Haggerty

Alumni: Class of Fall 2020

Christine Haggerty

Department: Management & Entrepreneurship

Title: Planner

Organization: Bechtel Construction

Christine is a construction planner for Bechtel and is currently supporting the construction of the Uranium Processing Facility at the Y-12 National Security Complex in Oak Ridge, TN. Her primary focus is on the planning, scheduling, and reporting of the Gloveboxes located in her assigned building. By utilizing software like P6, PowerBI, and various other project specific reporting tools, she prioritizes field supervision/management and their needs to complete work safely and with quality.

Why did you join HYAB?
“I joined the board to have the opportunity to increase my involvement with the university & Haslam post-graduation. Getting to talk to students about the possibilities post-grad and the concerns that may accompany their goals has always been something I enjoyed. I hope to be able to assist in calming those worries while helping to prepare them for their futures.”



Student Organizations
Women of Haslam
Management Society at UT (MSUT)

Available for
Resume Support
Professional Speaking at UTK Classes in-person or virtual)
Collegiate and Post-Collegiate Mentorship
Hosting UT students at your company
Office Culture Simulation (simulating the office environment)