Speaker Series
The SRN Speaker Series features outstanding scholars whose research addresses environmental, societal, and/or governance issues. This series aims to stimulate the exchange of ideas (related to the United Nations’ sustainable development goals) and enhance understanding of the research trends in this area.
This is a hybrid event with an opportunity to attend in person or virtually via Zoom.
If you would like to participate in the upcoming event, please contact us at srnhaslam@utk.edu.
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Past Events
Financial Monitoring, Liquid Wealth and Well-Being
Speaker: Emily N. Garbinsky, PhD, Associate Professor of Marketing, Cornell SC Johnson College of Business
While there is a wide degree of variation in how frequently people monitor their personal checking and savings accounts (e.g., 36 percent of Americans check every day, whereas roughly 20 percent check less than once a month; Lexington Law, 2018), financial experts believe that most people are not monitoring them as often as they should (Webb, Cheng and Benn, 2013). Indeed, more than half of Americans have no idea how much money is in their bank account at any given moment (Vaughan, 2021).
Contrary to the prevailing wisdom that more frequent monitoring of liquid wealth is always beneficial, we show across six studies (N = 124,642) that high financial monitoring is positively associated with financial well-being when liquid wealth is relatively high, but that this relationship reverses to a negative association when liquid wealth is relatively low. Moreover, we show that this interactive effect of financial monitoring and liquid wealth on financial well-being can influence people’s overall subjective well-being, suggesting that certain types of people can check their bank account balances too often — to a point where it has a deleterious effect on their overall well-being.
The Big Blur: A New Lens on Digitalization
Speaker: Bernadette Kamleitner
Get Your Science Out of Here: When Does Invoking Science in Marketing Consumer Products Backfire?
Speaker: Rebecca Walker Reczek