The U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education established International Education Week (IEW) to acknowledge the importance of interaction with other nations. This year, IEW falls on November 13-17. The occasion promotes opportunities for U.S. citizens to gain a more thorough understanding of other countries and cultures to prepare for an ever-more interconnected global environment, with the further aim of attracting future leaders from abroad to study in the U.S., learn about American culture and exchange experiences. The University of Tennessee, Knoxville’s Haslam College of Business is holding various IEW activities connected to international education. All Haslam students, staff and faculty are invited to attend.
Exploring the World via Virtual Reality and Other IEW Events at Haslam and UT
Haslam’s International Programs and Study Abroad (IPSA) will host IEW events starting Tuesday, with a virtual reality study abroad experience co-sponsored by the International Business Club. This activity will give Haslam students a chance to virtually visit different cities around the world and visualize studying abroad there. The virtual reality study abroad experience will be held in the Haslam Business Building (HBB), Room 220, from 11 a.m.-2 p.m.
Wednesday will include the Haslam Study Abroad Photo Contest, which will feature select pictures taken by students who studied abroad in the last year, with the top 10 photos on display in HBB 220 for students, faculty and staff to vote on. The winners will be announced on Friday. Also on Wednesday, an information table on Haslam’s study abroad programs will be in the HBB atrium from 11 a.m.-1 p.m., in which students can learn from program leaders and faculty about an upcoming study abroad opportunity in Iceland, as well as other 2024 study abroad programs.
Haslam’s IEW activities are part of a broader slate of events offered through various UT departments. UT’s Center for Global Engagement’s IEW schedule provides complete details on these international education events.
An Introduction to Study Abroad: Multiple Ways to Explore the World with Haslam
Lauren Jacobs, director of IPSA, explains that IEW activities help students discover the full range of possibilities IPSA offers Haslam students who wish to study abroad.
“From spring break study abroad terms to intermediate length programs to full semesters abroad, exchange programs and internships, we have a study abroad experience matching the interests of any student willing to make the commitment,” Jacobs says. “Our staff will work with you to find the experience right for your situation and academic goals, guide you through the red tape and prep work and inform you of scholarship availabilities to help with the costs.”
Christian Weaver, a Haslam senior and U.S. Air Force Air National Guard staff sergeant, studied abroad in Greece and Italy earlier this year. He encourages students to take the opportunity to study abroad now, before their travel is limited by full-time employment.
“This is a perfect opportunity to travel and learn, and it’s part of your schooling,” Weaver says. “So, why not combine them all together and have an amazing time?”
About Haslam Abroad
Haslam Abroad develops and supports highly experiential programs and international opportunities that enrich participants’ overall academic experience through exposure to ways of thinking about and doing business in other countries. Through IPSA Office, Haslam students have an incredible variety of study abroad opportunities all over the world, with programs ranging from short-term and faculty-led programs to longer semester or even academic-year exchanges. Business study abroad programs are primarily taught in English and available to all majors and collaterals. Learn more about Haslam’s international programs, and begin your journey to studying abroad today.
Scott McNutt, business writer/publicist,