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Wenjun Zhou

Wenjun Zhou

Lawson Professor of Business, Martin Lee & Carol Fri Robinson Faculty Fellow
Office Location: Room - 247, Stokely Management Center 865-974-9311

Dr. Wenjun Zhou is the Lawson Professor of Business and Martin Lee & Carol Fri Robinson Faculty Fellow. She joined the UT’s Department of Statistics, Operations and Management Science after earning her Ph.D. in Management from Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey. She holds a master’s degree in Biostatistics from the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, and a B.S. in Management Information Systems from the University of Science and Technology of China.

Prior to obtaining her Ph.D., Wenjun worked as a summer research intern at IBM Research Center at Almaden, Yahoo! Labs, Panasonic Inc., and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. Those experiences have exposed her to real-world applications and challenges of making good use of data. Her research and teaching are being inspired and reinforced by such experiences.

Wenjun’s research interests include Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Business Analytics and Statistical Computing. She has published in refereed journals and conference proceedings, such as the Machine Learning journal, INFORMS Journal on Computing, ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, and IEEE International Conference on Data Mining. She received the KDD Best Student Paper Runner-Up Award in 2008, and was among top 5 finalists for SIGKDD Doctoral Dissertation Award in 2011.


2004 University of Science and Technology of China, B.S., Management Information Systems

2006 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, M.S., Biostatistics

2011 Rutgers University, Ph.D., Management