TOC Tools: The Drum-Buffer Rope

Aerospace & Defense

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Course Offerings

TOC Tools: The Drum-Buffer Rope

Course Description

The Drum-Buffer-Rope technique, first introduced in the book, The Goal, is a method used to control inductions. Uncontrolled inductions negatively affect all the key metrics: throughput, work-in-process inventory and flow times. Participants will undergo an interactive hands-on simulation to gain a better understanding on how to control inductions.

What you will learn
  • Recognize how the constraint sets the drum – the pace at which inductions should be set.
  • Understand how key metrics such as throughput, flow time and WIP inventory are affected negatively by uncontrolled inductions.
  • Gain a better understanding on how the Drum-Buffer-Rope technique helps achieve the Art of the Possible.

Duration & Dates

This is a 1-day course. Dates are flexible.
Please contact us for more information.

James Cody, Director
Phone: 865-456-8882


This course is offered as a custom course on the UT campus or at your preferred location.


Custom course pricing depends on the configuration selected by the customer. Please contact us for government prices.